Friday, January 21, 2011

what is Joy of work for me....

Joy = Happiness + pleasure.
Work = Job+ labor.....

~~ how can anyone possibly enjoy working? In truth I dont like to work, I'd rather study than work.. Isn't it great to study as a job... emm what i meant to say was to have a job of studying stuff.... hei...A Researcher...heheh......maybe  not!.  Anyway what I am saying is  that I will enjoy my work if i can do it the way I want it..:)

That's it!!~~ In order to enjoy your work you have to..I hate to use this word~~LOVE ~~your work. You have to be passionate about it.

Hey if that is the case then I would like to be a manga artist!!:P ... heheh like that is gonna happen...i don't do cartoon.... but I like cute cartoon...(~K, ajar aku lukis katun comey(~~,) ..

Ok anyway enough playing around..( i am sleepy..and when aisyah is sleepy...she likes to do or write stupid stuff....wahahahahah).....

Ok . the thing about work is definitely your passion , or the soul that you put to it..for example me as a batik designer it is a joy for me to be able to do my batik design using my own creativity without ant restriction from my employer or lecturer or anybody else. The joy of creating...the process of creating ...uninterrupted

see how happy I look...? heheh

..especially if I insert a certain feeling inside of the design... I remember when I was in my degree program.. I was drawing a langkasukan woodcarving motif when I remembered a certain someone that made me angry...( i still do if I think about it)..

.I unconciously apply red color direct from the tube to the drawing paper.. i continue on doing this with other color and ...WaLLaaH!!

...huhu the drawing was one of my Lecturer's favorite.. that is when I was unknowingly used expressive stroke in coloring... but it feels good to be able to express yourself like that.... I am thankful for art Nouvoue movement.. because without it we would still be restricted to repeating art from various freedom to do what you want....

I guess all my friends who is majoring in animation is lucky ..I mean to be able to create anything that they want and animate it. For me its priceless.. the joy of creating from nothing to something..Well the process is not easy I know but as long as you enjoy the whole creative process then its worth it..Right?...Yup..Maybe the grass is greener on the other side?..What do you think?....Comment plezz..Minmin...Kobal,...Ted...Apip..Achid ..Cha, Masyi...Ebean..Daus.H...plez comment....

haa ko pon same Sahar....ko pun Faizul...sume geng kat J.O... silelah komen k...Pn Suzie pon HEHE..just kidding..

Hana pon (~~,)

to be continued~~

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Friday, January 21, 2011

what is Joy of work for me....

Joy = Happiness + pleasure.
Work = Job+ labor.....

~~ how can anyone possibly enjoy working? In truth I dont like to work, I'd rather study than work.. Isn't it great to study as a job... emm what i meant to say was to have a job of studying stuff.... hei...A Researcher...heheh......maybe  not!.  Anyway what I am saying is  that I will enjoy my work if i can do it the way I want it..:)

That's it!!~~ In order to enjoy your work you have to..I hate to use this word~~LOVE ~~your work. You have to be passionate about it.

Hey if that is the case then I would like to be a manga artist!!:P ... heheh like that is gonna happen...i don't do cartoon.... but I like cute cartoon...(~K, ajar aku lukis katun comey(~~,) ..

Ok anyway enough playing around..( i am sleepy..and when aisyah is sleepy...she likes to do or write stupid stuff....wahahahahah).....

Ok . the thing about work is definitely your passion , or the soul that you put to it..for example me as a batik designer it is a joy for me to be able to do my batik design using my own creativity without ant restriction from my employer or lecturer or anybody else. The joy of creating...the process of creating ...uninterrupted

see how happy I look...? heheh

..especially if I insert a certain feeling inside of the design... I remember when I was in my degree program.. I was drawing a langkasukan woodcarving motif when I remembered a certain someone that made me angry...( i still do if I think about it)..

.I unconciously apply red color direct from the tube to the drawing paper.. i continue on doing this with other color and ...WaLLaaH!!

...huhu the drawing was one of my Lecturer's favorite.. that is when I was unknowingly used expressive stroke in coloring... but it feels good to be able to express yourself like that.... I am thankful for art Nouvoue movement.. because without it we would still be restricted to repeating art from various freedom to do what you want....

I guess all my friends who is majoring in animation is lucky ..I mean to be able to create anything that they want and animate it. For me its priceless.. the joy of creating from nothing to something..Well the process is not easy I know but as long as you enjoy the whole creative process then its worth it..Right?...Yup..Maybe the grass is greener on the other side?..What do you think?....Comment plezz..Minmin...Kobal,...Ted...Apip..Achid ..Cha, Masyi...Ebean..Daus.H...plez comment....

haa ko pon same Sahar....ko pun Faizul...sume geng kat J.O... silelah komen k...Pn Suzie pon HEHE..just kidding..

Hana pon (~~,)

to be continued~~

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